Swap or Buy Market Place

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Search, review and exchange valuable items for Swap or Buy in Kenya from the verified community members of your choice near you.

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Advertise your Items for Swap or Buy in Nairobi to thousands of community members.

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Manage and get instant alerts and insights on your listed for Swap or sell Items anytime anywhere in Kenya

Why Swap and Buy?

Save Time

Search, verify and reserve a Item for sell or swapping in Nairobi Kenya and beyond in minutes

Fast and easy

Get and exchange valuables items for buying or swapping in Kenya

Guaranteed offers

Let us help you put value to your Items on the exchange marketplace

Save money

We help you discover the value of your Item on the exchange market. "One man's poison is an another man's meat"

SwapOrBuy Online

We are an online marketplace and community for swapping Items for buy or sale and therefore avoiding the hustle of buying what someone else has; save time and money.

Enjoy the power of swapping and buying in button clicks.
Explore the Market.

Get in touch

Main Office

Swap or Buy Marketplace is Fully Registered under Law and Operates Business premises compliantly within The Lake Basin Economic Zone

P.O BOX 34854-00100
P:0715 560 734


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Ready to Start Selling?

Join Swap or Buy Marketplace By Lilwa Delivery and start selling your products today. Reach a wider audience and grow your business with our platform.


ComradesFill is a Lilwa Delivery Initiative created to help food-insecure students find their next meal on-campus. We harness technology to identify, recover and redirect unused food to students to reduce campus food waste and food insecurity. Our aim is to improve food security among students.

Comrades Fill Background